Comprehensive Paint Protection for Automobiles
Do you have scratches, minor bumper scuffs, or rock chips ruining your paint job? We provide paint protection for automobiles to take care of these problems.
Our service offers customized options for your vehicle. Our professional paint techs have years of experience in color matching and auto paint protection in Brooklyn, NY.
Our service leaves a protecting barrier between the paint and any damaging elements. This barrier delivers a dazzling gloss and gives a level of protection to your automobile that you can’t match with sealant or wax. While waxes last 30-60 days, and sealants from 4-6 months, our paint protection brings years of resilience.
One of the top features of our auto painting protection is that damaging contaminants won't stick to the surface so quickly. That keeps your paint in better condition for an extended period. The surface is also resilient to pollution bonding with the factory paint layers. Contingent on the manufacturer, the type of paint, and the state of the vehicle, we can recommend one of the several brands available.
The current developments in paint protection are products often referred to as ceramic or glass coatings. These coatings are from materials that are more long-lasting than the polymers found in conventional sealants and waxes, giving you long-term, stable protection.
Window Tinting Brooklyn
1703 East 14th St #9
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(347) 377-2717
*We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not take walk-ins, as the shop can get busy at times and we would like to keep our end of the bargain and have you back on the road within an hour and a half. For all Car Window Tinting services, same-day appointments are available. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
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